First App Launched to Help Keep Blood Pressure Normal

blood pressure app

Copenhagen, Denmark – July 7, 2024 – Today marks the official launch of Heartery. It is a groundbreaking mobile app to help people with high blood pressure keep it in the normal range. 

The Heartery Solution

Heartery founders interviewed over 100 hypertension patients, to identify their specific  challenges, related to high blood pressure. The team has then developed support tools to these challenges. 

Examples: Safe Food Alert employs a custom knowledge base on heart healthy foods. It tells the user on the go what food to avoid and what is beneficial. The Adherence Assessment tells what to do in response to pill-taking challenges specified by the user.

Further specific tools are in development:

  • the Salt Monitor will recognize any food and pull data from the official nutrient database on salt, cholesterol and fats
  • the Training Plan to lower blood pressure personalized with the user’s activity & calories burn data collected by iPhone
  • Instant De-Stressor will combine assisted breathing with on-the-go monitoring of the user’s heart rate variability. HRV is the most important indicator of stress.

Heartery intends to develop an all-in app for hypertension sufferers, with daily plans for blood pressure lowering exercises, food, sleep, and de-stressing. The app is to be integrated with traditional and innovative blood pressure monitors, the fist partnerships already reached.

In blood pressure monitoring, Heartery differs from blood pressure trackers by providing information the user’s blood pressure, issued by the relevant health authorities, the American Heart Association for the US users, the European Society of Cardiology for the EU users, and the WHO Guidelines for Hypertension for the users in the other regions.

Heartery ensures compliance with GDPR standards, prioritizing user privacy and data security. For more information, visit and download Heartery on the Apple App Store.

Endorsements and Collaborations

Heartery enjoys the collaboration with the Danish Society of Hypertension, with the DAHS President Professor Michael Hecht Osen.

“This app has the potential to solve a significant societal and health-related problem”

Professor Michael Hecht Olsen, the DAHS President

We were also invited to join the American Heart Association’s Innovators Network, and demonstrated the app to Malmo Clinical Research Center, with the aim to produce the Swedish version jointly. Similar talks were initiated in Finland.

The Heartery Team

Heartery’s co-founder, Leo Rosenbaum, created the app following his own battle with hypertension. Hence, Rosenbaum, who served as a Digital Health Advisor in an established Danish think tank, has a personal and professional dedication to this mission. “Blood pressure awareness is key,” Rosenbaum emphasizes, “The more we know about hypertension, the better we can manage it.” 

The other co-founder, Vera Reshetina brings her extensive experience from leading several successful tech companies, enhancing the app’s technological edge. “It is exciting to combine health and tech,” Reshetina says, “Especially computer vision. It opens up whole niches of new, never seen before opportunities”.

Further to experienced developers and designers, the team includes a medical doctor for operative recommendations on development, and attracts compliance consultants.

Developed in collaboration with leading medical experts, including Dr. Charles Alessi, a renowned public health leader, Senior Advisor to Public Health England, the former HIMSS Chief Clinical Officer, currently the CCO at Editohealth, Dr. Zoltan Lantos, the Head of Digital Health at the University of Semmelweis, who launched a national hypertension prevention program, and Mette Rosenstrøm of The Association of Danish Physiotherapists.

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