About me

You may have guessed already why I do this blog. Yes, I have high blood pressure, for a number of years already. Passed through a hypertensive crisis. My awareness of hypertension passed through various stages as well, from ‘180/110 is no problem as no symptoms’ to measuring nine times a day to dedicated lifestyle changes to control my blood pressure. It has also placed hypertension in the center of my research interests.

As I have worked in mass media most of my non-researching life, including BBC and other national national broadcasters, I decided to launch bloodpressure.me, a blog dedicated solely to news, recent studies and innovations related to blood pressure.

I carefully select only reputable sources and provide links to them and the underlying studies. Also, I provide links to the researchers behind the studies. I tag the stories, with the most popular tags comprising the top menu.

Since I was diagnosed with hypertension, I lived and worked in four different counties, with very different healthcare systems, met numerous cardiologists and general practitioners, followed their diverse advice. And I have arrived to the conclusion, that it is not only about lifestyle changes and taking pills. The more we know about hypertension, the better it is for our blood pressure, be it too high or too low for now. That is why I do this blog.

With warm regards, Leo.

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