brought to you by the Global Hypertension Awareness, a Danish nonprofit organization (reg. # 45145409)

The Best Supplements to Lower Blood Pressure Are…

supplements to lower blood pressure
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Many dietary supplements are promoted for lowering blood pressure. However, clinical studies confirm that you can get the same benefits from certain foods. Use supplements only if foods rich in these nutrients are unavailable.

Why foods are better than supplements to lower blood pressure

Foods are better than supplements for several reasons:

  • Nutrient Complexity: Whole foods provide a complex array of nutrients that work synergistically, offering benefits supplements can’t replicate.
  • Fiber Content: Foods contain fiber, which aids digestion and helps prevent certain diseases.
  • Phytochemicals: Whole foods are rich in phytochemicals, natural compounds that can help prevent heart disease and other illnesses.
  • Bioavailability: Nutrients from food are often more easily absorbed and utilized by the body compared to those from supplements.
  • Safety: Obtaining nutrients from food reduces the risk of excessive intake, which can occur with supplements.


Potassium helps balance the effects of sodium and eases tension in blood vessel walls, which can reduce blood pressure. Several foods are rich in potassium, offering significant amounts per serving. For instance, a medium baked potato with skin provides approximately 919 milligrams of potassium, while a half-cup serving of cooked pinto beans contains about 373 milligrams. A small banana offers around 362 milligrams, and half a cup of boiled edamame delivers approximately 338 milligrams. Additionally, a one-cup serving of raw spinach provides about 167 milligrams of potassium.

The recommended daily potassium intake varies by age, sex, and life stage. For adult men aged 19 and older, the adequate intake is 3,400 milligrams per day, while for adult women of the same age group, it is 2,600 milligrams daily. During pregnancy, the adequate intake increases to 2,900 milligrams, and for breastfeeding women, it rises to 2,800 milligrams. These guidelines are established by the US National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements.


Magnesium plays a role in regulating blood pressure. Some studies suggest that magnesium supplements can help lower blood pressure levels. Incorporating magnesium-rich foods into your diet can help ensure adequate intake. For example, a one-ounce serving of pumpkin seeds provides approximately 156 milligrams of magnesium, while a similar serving of chia seeds offers around 111 milligrams. Dark leafy greens like cooked spinach deliver about 157 milligrams per cup, and a one-ounce serving of almonds contains roughly 80 milligrams. Additionally, a half-cup serving of cooked black beans provides about 60 milligrams of magnesium. 

As with potassium, the recommended daily intake of magnesium varies by age and gender. For adult men aged 19–30, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 400 milligrams per day, increasing to 420 milligrams for those 31 and older. For adult women aged 19–30, the RDA is 310 milligrams daily, increasing to 320 milligrams for those 31 and older. Pregnant women aged 19–30 are advised to consume 350 milligrams per day, while those 31 and older should aim for 360 milligrams.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Found in fish oil, omega-3s have been associated with heart health benefits, including modest reductions in blood pressure. A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of mackerel provides approximately 5,000 milligrams of combined omega-3s, while the same serving size of salmon offers about 1,100 to 1,900 milligrams. Plant-based sources include chia seeds, with one ounce (28 grams) containing around 5,000 milligrams of ALA omega-3s, and walnuts, where a one-ounce serving provides approximately 2,500 milligrams. Additionally, flaxseed oil is particularly rich in ALA, offering about 7,260 milligrams per tablespoon. 

The recommended daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids varies depending on the specific type and individual health considerations. For alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the National Academy of Medicine recommends a daily intake of 1.6 grams for men and 1.1 grams for women. Regarding eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), while there is no established recommended daily allowance, health organizations generally suggest a minimum of 250 milligrams and a maximum of 4,000 milligrams of combined EPA and DHA per day. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration advises that consuming up to 5 grams (5,000 milligrams) per day of EPA and DHA combined from dietary supplements is considered safe.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

CoQ10 is an antioxidant that may help lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring antioxidant essential for energy production in cells. Organ meats, such as liver and kidney, are particularly high in CoQ10, with beef liver containing approximately 3,030 to 4,010 micrograms per gram. Fatty fish like mackerel and sardines also provide substantial amounts, ranging from 1,800 to 13,000 micrograms per gram. Meats such as beef, pork, and chicken offer between 1,400 and 3,650 micrograms per gram. Vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower contain lower levels of CoQ10, with spinach providing around 701 micrograms per gram. citeturn0search20

There is no established Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for CoQ10. The body synthesizes it internally, and deficiencies are rare.


Researchers link garlic supplements to moderate reductions in blood pressure and in overall heart disease risk. There is no official recommended daily intake for garlic. Nutritionists consider consuming 1–2 cloves per day as generally safe. Excessive consumption can lead to side effects such as heartburn, or stomach upset.

Vitamin D

Some research indicates that vitamin D supplementation may help lower blood pressure. Nutritionists recommend adults aged 19–70 to consume 600 IU (15 mcg) daily, while those over 70 should aim for 800 IU (20 mcg). Rich dietary sources include fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, providing approximately 570 IU per 3-ounce serving, and fortified foods such as milk and cereals. Additionally, exposure to sunlight enables the body to synthesize vitamin D naturally.

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