brought to you by the Global Hypertension Awareness, a Danish nonprofit organization (reg. # 45145409)

Mouth Wash May Rise Blood Pressure

mouth wash may rise blood pressure
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In addition to keeping your gums and teeth healthy, daily brushing and flossing may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, oral cancer, and other serious, chronic diseases. Think twice though, before swiping mouthwash: According to a study published in November 2019, frequent mouthwash use was associated with hypertension risk, independent of major hypertension risk factors and several other potential confounders.

What’s the reason? Bacteria are at the root of everything. “Some oral bacteria can cause periodontal disease and other issues, while other oral bacteria convert dietary nitrate into nitric oxide (NO), which helps maintain normal blood pressure,” reports Dentistry Today. An international team of researchers has discovered that chlorhexidine in mouthwash may kill these good bacteria and raise systolic blood pressure.

Other problems can arise from mouthwash, such as damage to teeth and possible interactions with medications. When choosing mouthwash, make sure it’s free of harsh ingredients that can disrupt your mouth’s natural bacterial balance.

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