High blood pressure can decrease libido. It is possible for hypertension to reduce blood flow throughout the body, including to the pelvis. According to the American Heart Association, men and women can both be affected by sexual dysfunction when this occurs.
Erectile dysfunction occurs when the body’s blood flow is restricted, resulting in less blood flowing to the penis. It is also possible for men to experience anxiety when they are unable to maintain an erection, leading to a decline in their interest in sex. High blood pressure may also interfere with men’s ability to ejaculate, reports Healthdigest.com with reference to the conclusions by medical experts of Mayo Clinic.
Women’s sex drive is not as readily affected by high blood pressure. High blood pressure can reduce the amount of nitric oxide produced by the body, a chemical that contributes to smooth muscle relaxation. Sexual symptoms may include decreased sex drive, dryness in the vaginal area, and difficulty achieving orgasm.